My name is Eka Davies and I am an avid food fermenter. A few years ago, a friend suffered chronic stomach complaints and doctors were unable to help her. Desperate for a solution, she stumbled across and began to consume fermented milk. The milk was fermented with Kefir SCOBY, a living organism that creates an abundance of probiotics. After drinking the fermented milk every day for a few weeks, her stomach problems were resolved–I had to know more and now I have become obsessed with particular ingredients, they are free and abundant, they are everywhere - microbes. Since olden times humans have harnessed the power of microbes to preserve food and to enhance its flavour. There is a renewed interest in this ancient alchemy. I have a particular interest in celebrating culturally diverse fermention traditions.
The aim of the workshops is to Introduce you to the art of fermentation and encourage you to have fun exploring, creating and enjoying fermented fruits, vegetables and drinks by harnessing the power of microbes that are free and abundant everywhere.
Contact me
Email ekadavies@gmail.com